Sunday 4 March 2012

Amber Gambler: Mission 7

Today's mission was to bomb the railyards at Rouen. The Gambler took off and joined her formation in the middle of the squadron and headed for France.
The trip to the target was uneventful with just a single Me109 spotted in the distance tangling with a pair of Mustangs. The weather over the target was perfect and there was no flak at all, but the Gambler's bombs still missed their target! That's five total misses out of seven missions, not good!
With the bombs gone the Gambler turned for home and ran into a schwarm of enemy fighters. Dan Clifton bagged a Fw190 for his second kill and the others were driven off, though not before a canon shell hit engine number 2 and put it out of action. Pilot Chris Hopkins feathered the prop and the Gambler continued on her way home quite happily on three engines, maintaining formation all the way home.
The Gambler completed her seventh mission and by far the easiest one yet. Let's hope they stay like that!

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