Friday 3 February 2012

40K and Blood Bowl

Got to do a couple of games last Sunday against my mate Pete. I have been really looking forward to taking on his Tyranid army in 40K. I decided I would use my Imperial Guard army against him. We chose to do a 1500 point game.
The first thing to say is that Pete's army looks stunning, he's done a fantastic job of painting it.

The game was a complete disaster from my point of view!!  We rolled up a scenario where the Tyranids were defending three objectives and could deploy anywhere up to halfway of the table. My Guard then got to deploy on my table edge. As I had taken Ratlings who can infiltrate I set them up in some trees on Pete's table edge.

On my first turn I slowly moved the guard forwards and fired off a few shots. I did resonably well and caused a few casualties. I made a huge mistake though and totally forgot about the Ratlings!!!

On Pete's turn he proceeded to slaughter my army. First he blasted the Ratlings in the trees causing 5 hits. I needed 3+ to save each hit and promptly rolled five 1's and 2's!! The remainder of the Ratlings failed their leadership test and fled the battlefield :-(
Things went from bad to worse as he managed to knock out the guns on two of my three tanks. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse he managed to get two units into close combat with 2 thirds of my infantry that i'd combined into one large squad. The resulting close combat wasn't even close and my army had been crushed in one turn! Oh well, maybe next time!

Cannon Fodder preparing to die!
  Seeing as that battle only took one turn we played a game of Blood Bowl. It was a week 7 league match between Nottingville Forest and Nordburg Storm. Forest are a Wood Elf team who had been doing great until week 4 when half the team was injured! Only just able to field a full team, my goal in this game was just to survive the match without taking any more casualties as i'd have three of my injured players back for the final game. I knew it wouldn't be easy against the humans but i'd give it a go.

The first half started with the Storm kicking deep to Nottingville. I had an early chance to score but star receiver Sami Proudfoot dropped a sure touchdown pass :-( After that the result was never in doubt. The storm recovered the loose ball and marched down the field for Dan Clifford to score on a 4 pace run. The score stayed like that until half time.

The second half was one way traffic as Forest by this time had lost another couple of players to injury and had more in the KO'd bin. The Storm dominated  the second half and scored three more touchdowns, a 9 pace run by Benito Carboncopy and two TD passes from Chris Hopkins, a 15 pacer to Bentio Carboncopy and a 17 pacer to Pete Hanna.

The final score was 4-0 to the Storm and 3-0 to them in the CAS stakes. I was reasonably happy though as i'd not suffered any lasting injuries. That happiness didn't last long though as during the inter match events I managed to get my veteran Wardancer injured for the next match!

All in all a pretty dismal day at the gaming table :-(

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